I love a good baby shower! As summer is coming to a close, many of our friends are getting ready to welcome babies. (Yea!) So after returning home from a summer full of travel, I hit the ground running with lots of baby shower crafts! There are so many wonderful ideas on Pinterest. (What did we do before Pinterest!?! You can check out my baby shower board here.)
We had a group playdate shower for two first time mom's, with all the little kiddos running wild in my basement. I kept things simple: we did just diapers for gifts, which meant we did not have to open them at the party. I did utilize my bookshelf chalkboard. I really love this thing - It is so fun for me to update it based on what is going on. I also love this Crayola chalk - it is so bright!

All Girls "Pink" Shower for First Baby
When we moved last summer, one girl from the same base moved with her husband as well. When she found out she was pregnant, I was over the moon. I think the first words out of my mouth were "Can I host your shower?" She is having a little girl, so we went all pinked out.
As a boy mom, I jumped at the chance to buy some cute pink clothing. I love being able to send people home with the decorations from their shower. I found these adorable numbers at Old Navy.
Since this new mom is also a military spouse, I wanted to make sure she had something to remember who was at her baby shower. We move so frequently that sometimes it is hard to remember where you were during life events. I found an adorable "guest book canvas" here on Etsy and decided it would be easy enough to create my own. I used a flat canvas and painted a tree and dots. I asked guests to sign their names and write a wish for the baby. By the end of the shower, the canvas was full of well-wishes and it serves as a record of the friends who were around to welcome baby.
I know lots of people don't like shower games, but I love them. So if you come to a shower I'm throwing, we will be playing games! For this shower, we played a nursery rhyme game where you had to complete the rhyme. Then we played my favorite shower game - it's one where you follow little instructions tied to a gift to find the gift a home. The cards tell you to pass the gift to the person with the longest hair, or the largest purse or the curliest hair. It gets everyone talking and moving, and usually gets some laughs, since I always throw "biggest boobs" in there.
The shower was in the morning, so we stuck to breakfast foods - french toast bake, parfaits, bagels and scones. I also sent my child away, but had a few of the moms bring their calmer children, which was fun to have some little ones around.
Second Baby, Boy "Born in the USA" Sprinkle
There is a French couple in my husbands squadron that are getting ready to welcome their second child, but their first boy. We decided on a "Born in the USA" theme.
This was a small shower with just our squadron. I made a red, white and blue diaper cake. Since it is a second baby, I filled the middle with a Nalgene water bottle for big sister and a few other goodies. We rocked the "After 4th of July" sales for decorations, including a great "Born in the USA" onesie we hung on the door.
As for games, we did a simple "match the mustache" game from here, on - you guessed it - Etsy, which was a big hit. We also did a "wishes for baby" poster. On poster board, we wrote things like "I hope you love..", "I hope you never...", and "I hope you are..." and let people just write their wishes under each category anonymously.
We spent a lot of time asking about French culture and babies in France as well. Turns out the baby shower (at least in this particular iteration) is not done in France. I am glad we had a chance to "sprinkle" this mom while she is here.
Wow. Its been a fun but exciting month! I actually have one more shower coming up in November. It is going to be fall themed for a first time mom who is having a boy. I just had a "planning" meeting, with basically the two most amazing co-hosts you could ever ask for. The woman sitting next to us at Panera said she wanted an invite to the party.
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